Rebecca Weed's Bio
MEDIUM: Oils, Graphite & Gold Leaf
When Rebecca G. Weed turned six she escaped from her Carnival themed birthday party (complete with bouncy house) and spent three days eating cactus by the river. She was only a half a mile from her family home, but she was rather small and, evidently, hard to see. This adventure was the first of many and won her twelve years in a "reform" school in Colorado where she learned to pick locks and draw things. She has won other things since then.
She paid her way through her undergraduate degree drawing erotic images for some company in India (she never learned to spell or pronounce the company name, though the logo is a fish being swallowed by a cat.) After a brief stint selling insurance and living straight she applied for graduate school. The University of Montana in Missoula was the best thing that ever happened to her. Well, second best.
Rebecca returned to Cody, Wyoming. She lives there now in a tiny house in an alley with a great big dog and a box of paints. Rebecca is currently an adjunct professor at Northwest College in Powell, WY.
Short and sweet: BA in printmaking in 2006, MFA in painting 2010. She has shown nationally and internationally. Her favorite gallery is The Brink.
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